
History and Geography

Chandigarh is a fully grown city of most contemporary structural elegance. The city nestles in a stunning establishing in the foothills of Shivalik mountains and loves the popular epithet the "City Beautiful". Representative of recent Structure & Town Planning, the city is a development of the France Designer, Le Corbusier, Chandigarh and the space around it were constituted as a Partnership Place on 1 Nov 1966. It provides as the joint capital of both Punjab and Haryana Declares. It is surrounded on North and Western by Punjab and on the Eastern and South by Haryana.


Chandigarh Management is moving on four wide methodologies. First, it is our aim to offer, with the help of technological innovation, an available and clear administration. We were among the first to apply the conditions of the Right to Details Act. 

A variety of solutions, for which individuals earlier had to go to government offices, are now available on computer and cell phones. All guidelines are being analyzed to see what generality can be carried out to create them user-friendly. The purpose is to reduce the exercise of attention, and reduce the leg perform of the resident in dealing with the Management.

Secondly, the Management is operating towards better pay of economical growth by motivating economical actions which offer greater value inclusion, such as information centered places, high-end professional action, etc., Chandigarh already has the highest per household earnings in the nation.

Thirdly, the Management is looking for to offer infrastructural solutions such as power provide, drinking water, wellness and educational solutions and trains and buses which should compare with those in advanced countries. It will take time, but we believe that our dreams can be achieved in the method term.

Fourthly, the Management is all too conscious of the fact that the benefits of growth do not reach everyone equally. Hence there is a special focus on attaining out to those whom growth has by-passed.


The Partnership Place Chandigarh has limited area under Farming. The farming area is being progressively obtained for the development of Chandigarh City, and developed area have reduced from 5,441 hectares in 1966 to 1,400 hectares in 2002-03. The primary sources of watering are deep-bore tube-wells set up by the Management and superficial tube-wells set up by individual farm owners. The primary plants of foodgrain is wheat and it is placed nearly in 700 hectares of area. The Division is creating projects to advertise techniques of growing by following measures:
Extension and Farmers Study/Training Tour
Development of Kitchen Garden
Soil and Water Conservation


There are 15 large and method places, and about 3,140 small-scale commercial models in the Condition, offering career to about 30,000 individuals and offering an yearly outcome of roughly Rs 600 crore. These models are mainly additional models involved in the manufacturing of commercial nails, steel and wood made furniture, machine tools, cleansers and soaps, medication, electrical/electronic items, hygienic accessories, actions items, plastic items, stamp collecting small needles, etc. 

There are about 20 significant dispatching models in Chandigarh, which trade items to the tune of Rs 60 crore (approximately) yearly. Although in nationwide terms, the quality of exports may appear to be rather little, the Administration's projects now are to advertise only hi-tech digital and technological innovation, non-polluting market besides the trade focused market for future development.


Chandigarh gets energy from nearby states and Main creation projects to fulfill its energy need. It has 3.5 % share of total energy creation of Bhakra complicated. Further, the firm allowance is 82.9 mw, out of heat, atomic and gas centered Main creation projects. The shortcoming is being met through ad hoc allowance from BBMB besides Main projects. All the towns around the city stand electrified and have been prolonged the service of group lighting. About 2,000 variety of power effective lights have been set up in various essential structures.


Chandigarh has created progress in the area of Details Technology which today is symbolic of growth and progress. 25 Sept 2005 will be kept in mind as a red letter day in the history of Chandigarh. On that day the Prime Reverend, Dr. Manmohan Singh, inaugurated the Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Car park. 

This has included a fresh sizing to the economy of the city. The development of a knowledge-based market is an inspiration to Chandigarh being seen as an investment destination for technological innovation organizations. This in turn will enhance not only the amount but also the fantastic of career. 

The Management is also considering the growth of Chandigarh as a economical solutions hub. Projects like the Chandigarh Technology Car park, Knowledge City and Film City will further enhance the stage of business actions. Chandigarh is becoming one of the preferred locations for technological innovation organizations since it offers an top total well being and a competent base of hr.

In the second stage of the IT Car park, Wipro has been created an core company and Bharti Teleservices has also been allocated area to set up its application growth centre-cum-campus. The 250 acre phase-II of the CTP will consist of 115 miles for Technology Car park and 135 miles for incorporated support features. An Business owner Development Center (EDC) is also being recognized at the CTP. It would be available to IT/ITES/BPO organizations for incubation and for establishing up of plug and play features. It will have a research clinical which will offer contemporary features to organizations to perform in.


The Chandigarh Management has also started action on the various projects to fulfill the goals of Jawahar Lal Nehru National City Restoration Objective so as to have organized growth of towns with concentrate on performance in urban solutions delivery program. The Public Organization has already sent a venture on Tertiary Water Therapy, looking for an assistance of Rs. 35 crore to the Partnership Government. 

The Chandigarh Management has created a supply of Rs. 94.22 crore of tax earnings for the Public Organization. Moreover to this, Rs. 7.03 crore were also allocated for payment of street light bills. The Management has also been offering additional grant to the Public Organization for development of public services under various projects. Lately Rs. 50 lakh were given to the Public Organization for upgradation of features in Industry 17.

Chandigarh Management has always endeavoured to enhance the infrastructural features of the city. The Management is offering top priority to the performance of water. The Management has been operating in close sychronisation with the Public Organization to offer various public services and solutions. 

The enhancement perform ofwater provide plan, Phase-IV has been completed at the price of Rs. 4722 lakh, 25 new strong pipe water wells have been set up at various parts of the city at the price of Rs. 300 lakh, and 12 new watering pipe water wells have been set up at the price of Rs. 100 lakh for provide of water for watering. A 5 MGD Sewerage Therapy Place has been designed at the price of Rs. 505 lakh in town Raipur Kalan for treating sewer prosperous of Manimajra. The sewerage and weather water waterflow and drainage program of the city has further been enhanced and increased at the price of Rs. 235 lakh.

There is a offer to update the Sewerage Therapy Place at Diggian to 45MGD at an approximated price of Rs. 3200 lakh. The Tertiary Water Submission Network will be further enhanced at the price of Rs. 2200 lakh. Development of a 2MGD Sewerage Therapy Plan at Maloya at the price of Rs. 300 lakh is also in direction. For further boosting the drinking water, 19 new pipe water wells will also be set up at a price of Rs. 300 lakh.


For a healthier lifestyle, the durability of environment and favorable environment is essential. In this respect, the Public Organization has designed Green Straps in Sec 38C&D and 24A, B, C&D. Shivalik Lawn in Manimajra (Pocket No.7) is being designed at a price of Rs. 200 lakh. Around 5000 plants have been placed during the last six several weeks. Community Centers are being designed at Modern Real estate Complex, Manimajra, Sec.28B and Sec.30B at the price of Rs. 50 lakh. For the comfort of individuals, the Organization has designed 48 cutting edge bus line offers.


Chandigarh has one of the better energy and power distribution systems in the nation. We have performed a venture to offer power with a stability of 99.99 % within two decades. According to the need for a quick and effective riding on the bus program for Chandigarh, a new Lines Transport System has been presented. Movement of interest have been welcomed for a railroad centered mass rapid transportation program.


It is one of the main concerns to give the public sector especially education and wellness a certain and desired forced. Lately, the administration has released an committed Nourishment Program which is designed at maintaining the wellness and well being of youngsters. Under the programme, healthier ready meal such as chapattis, vegetables and dal are being given to the learners totally without any charge especially in hives, towns, recovery hives and non-model educational institutions whose students are from low earnings families. 

In the second stage, other educational institutions will also be provided same ready meals. At the same time groups of doctors would regularly visit educational institutions for recurring tracking to offer nutrition supplements in tablet type to nutritionally lacking kids at least for six several weeks. All anemic and earthworms affected kids analyzed by the University Health Teams would be offered strategy to three several weeks. 

For earthworms attack, the first amount will be given on the spot while the instructors can be allocated the projects of providing the second amount on the next due date. Children needing further therapy, dental treatment and eye examine ups would be referred to the appropriate Healthcare center for further treatment.

The parents of the educational institutions going kids in the target places including recovery and labor hives would be sensitive regularly about nutritional requirements, inadequacies and illnesses.The Chandigarh Management has taken the lead in offering 100 % free and necessary education to all kids of the age group 6-14 decades as enshrined in our structure. The fee up to category VIII rechargeable from learners has also been eliminated in all government educational institutions. 

Not only this, the program of collection of funds from the learners in the government educational institutions has also been eliminated from Dec 2005 and needing the government educational institutions will be met from the budget of the Management. It has also been decided that all learners in non-model educational institutions up to category VIII will be offered 100 % free books and all kids studying in non-model educational institutions up to category VIII will be offered 100 % free school outfits from the forth-coming period.

In its effort to offer available, affordable and reliable health proper want to the individuals of Chandigarh, the Management has taken several steps to enhance, update and modernise the current wellness features and facilities. Several cutting edge features have been began at the Government Healthcare Higher education and Healthcare center, Industry 32 and the Common Healthcare center, Industry 16 to offer better individual proper care. 

The current program of the GMCH is being networked and the procedure to start Endoscopic Surgery in the Division of Gynaecology has also been began. Computerised Radiography System and Digital Radiotherapy will be set up in the Division of Radio-diagnosis of the GMCH. Seven well-equipped operation cinemas along with Publish Sedation Care Unit and Publish Surgical Keep will be requested in the GMCH. Toxicology Laboratory will be recognized to accomplish individual proper care with respect to research of chemical and toxins at the GMCH. Foundation stone of the Local Institution for Psychologically Incapable at Industry 31-C has been laid.

The Emergency Prevent of the Common Healthcare center, Sector16 will be remodeled and a 6-storeyed OPD Prevent has been organized in the Common Healthcare center. Help Desk at the Common Healthcare center, Industry 16, has been recognized for comfort of sufferers and supply for blue colored cards for according preference to elderly individuals in outdoor treatment centers has been created. 

Uniformity is being created at primary stage by freelancing clinical research at the rates equivalent to that of customer charges fixed by the Management. The National Panel of Evaluation, the Partnership Secretary of state for Health insurance coverage Family Well being have approved the Common Healthcare center 16 to prize Publish Graduate student Degree in Gynecology and Pediatric medicine. 

There is a offer to update the University of Healthcare into Higher education of Healthcare. The sufferers below hardship range and sufferers under economical problems are offered 100 % free OPD/Indoor treatment. The Chandigarh Management has set up a Drop-in-Centre for HIV sufferers to enhance their total well being and a new Non-reflex Guidance and Examining Center has also been recognized at Community Health Center, Manimajra.


With an aim to create operator helpful environment all the significant choices are taken in assessment with the customer groups. Legal action on the Excise Plan 2006-07 has been sought by the Chandigarh Management to create it more simple to use before its final execution. 

The set up Excise Plan has been created in consonance with the Design Excise Policy/Taxation/Act Rules for alcohol consumption distributed by the Partnership Secretary of state for Food Handling Industries. At the same time, it will also examine the evasion of the excise responsibility and other taxation and considerably enhance the earnings of the Management.

To boost professional actions in the Partnership Place of Chandigarh, the Management has declared the liberalization of transformation from one business to another. Under the plan, 100 % free transformation of business in respect of the floor floors of professional businesses has been allowed. Allottees of professional sites and property can engage in most deals without applying for transformation and without paying for it on the beginning.


A society is assessed by the way it snacks its downtrodden, poor, desolate, elderly individuals and widows. In the area of public welfare, the Management has taken several projects. An inclusive Professional Training-cum-Production Marketing Center is coming up in Industry 46, which would be a hub of exercising, deals, self-employment actions, early involvement and avoidance of childhood problems and to create the kids self reinforced individuals. The Center will also serve the needs of worthy individuals of the nearby states.

A Professional Training Program for Persons with Disabilities is suggested to be financed under the Government of India's plan where vocational exercising and protected classes can be recognized. For the comfort of the pensioners, the Management has began releasing Old Age Retirement residing, Widow Retirement residing and Retirement residing to Impaired Individual through Sampark Centers recognized in Sectors 10,15,18,23,43,47, Manimajra and Industrial Place Phase-I. 

Chandigarh Management has set up a Servicing Cell at the Chandigarh Higher education of Technological innovation and Technology to offer maintenance solutions to the citizens of the city in specialized places. It will also provide specialized exercising in various places to the individuals residing below hardship range to create them self dependent salary earners.

The Management has also released a venture under which local craftsmen will be offered a place to display their relics and a foundation to demonstrate and offer their items. A directory of craftsmen will be ready which will be kept at the Panchayat Bhawan so that the craftsmen can be approached whenever required. 

The craftsmen will also be motivated to type supportive cultures for which all help will be prolonged to them by the Domain registrar Cooperative Societies so as to allow them to demonstrate and offer their items in a successful way. A Child Art Collection in Govt. Art gallery and Art Collection will be recognized.


Chandigarh Management has been creating honest projects to fulfill the housing demand of the citizens. Real estate plan for 96 one bed space and 96 two bed space apartments in Industry 49 has been released. In the same way, another housing plan for 160 one bed space and 112 two bed space apartments in Industry 49 is likely to be released soon. 

For financially sluggish segments, 288 apartments in Industry 38(West) and 400 apartments in Industry 49 will be released under another housing plan. About 1600 multi-storeyed apartments will be designed in Industry 63 for which professionals are being involved.

Chandigarh Management has arranged 135 miles of position for residential service in the CTP where about 2000 apartments are expected to be designed. About 90 miles of area has also been utilized the CHB in Sectors 53, 54 and 55 for housing plan. Chandigarh Management is also in the procedure of earmarking 20 miles of area in Industry 52 for construction of houses of different groups for U.T. workers. 

Chandigarh Real estate Panel is being automated to offer on the internet data to group to examine their accounts and pay expenses on the internet. Software for offering on the internet information to the allottees has been ready and property records are being computerised.

Chandigarh Cops has worked to offer a individuals helpful, clear and sensitive tracking to the citizens of the city with concentrate on stability and basic tracking. The Chandigarh Cops has released an SMS information service. 

The SMS information service would allow any individual to know position of group problems posted at the group window program and the position of their ticket applications. The Common Integrated Cops Application is also being presented in all law enforcement stations of the Partnership Place of Chandigarh.

Chandigarh features of an outstanding actions facilities in the nation. Its contemporary actions facilities has further been increased. Overflow lighting with most advanced technological innovation at a price of Rs. 1.67 crore have been requested at Baseball Ground, Industry 42. 

The share of the Pond Club is being remodeled and several outstanding features are being included to the Cricket stadium, Industry 16 to bring it at par with an international cricket floor. Overflow lighting will also be set up. All weather share at Sports Complex, Industry 42, will be designed.


Chandigarh Transportation Undertaking has the benefit to operate trains and buses plied on sub-urban tracks, town tracks and on inter-state tracks. The length of nationwide roadways is 15.275 km. Chandigarh is well connected by all, road and air as well.


Important vacationer centers are Rock Lawn, Rose Lawn, Sukhna Lake, Collection and Art Collection, City Collection, Structure of Dark areas, Geometrical Hill Collection of Progress, Kala Gary, Log Sheds, Nepli Forests, Fitness Trails (in Leisure Valley), National Collection of Images, Central Plaza, International Doll Collection and Smriti Upvan.

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